The new FAN BOY t-shirt calling you out for what you are! Our favorite little fan boy, that's right and we luff you for it! Not only will you have lined our pockets with a 12% markup you will also be inadvertently advertising for your favorite "why is my order taking so long" off road company! Now these t-shirts may not cure covid, they most certainly won’t make you any more woke than Billy ray Cyrus at a kid rock concert, but they will make you one sexy sum biatch!
So, if you want to be dripping in awesome sauce and waist deep pussy cats just mossy on over to the “buy now” button and make your selection. We will eventually send out a shirt to you but don’t expect miracles we can barely send out bumpers on time. Just kidding, we will get you your shirt….
Please note:
Results may vary
please don't be triggered
yes those were subtle sexual enuendos
we are in no way endorsing hanging out with BillyRay